
construct & construct

since 9 march, i've been working for my father even though we work in totally different fields of study, being electronics compared to construction. At first, i felt that it would be boring and well, a waste of time but my father mentioned that i would learn alot on how a business is carried out and how the construction industry works. So far, i've visited 4 sites. Changi Airport Terminal 3, SembCorp Water Desalination Plant, Bishan Library and the new Republic Polytechnic campus at Woodlands. (you can see from the pictures above)

after about 2 weeks of wandering in a unchartered world, i must say, work management in the construction line can be very chaotic. sometimes, you would not know what is actually going on and communication can be quite vulgar. hahaha.

i visited the Republic Poly work site today. i was quite impressed initially. it's architecture was very modern, in a minimalistic manner and very luxurious. walkways are paved with wood instead of concrete and it's landscape gardens give off a very zen feel, similar to Japanese rock garden formations. But after much walking about, i felt it was rather cramped and too plain. In fact, it felt like a hospital with a kick ass air-conditioning system. (the only thing i found awesome, the air-con system)

I've found something interesting. if you observe carefully from the map above, the buildings 1 to 12 actually form a yin-yang symbol. talk about hardcore feng shui.

communication in the construction line can be amusing also, as i discovered. many apologies if i've offended anybody but i guess people just got too used to it. while people in my age group labelled foreigners racistly like chinese being china-nese and bangladeshi, ah neh, in the construction line, it's quite different. chinese are called china man (super man.) and bangladeshi, ali ba ba. (that got me amused deeply, i wonder who actually thought of that.)

still have much to be explored and learnt, perhaps if i find anything interesting, i'll post it up.

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