
Sovereign, a fantasy.

"These ignorant old men talk too much, Ruathia." muttered Trevis. "The genoia incident is only but minor thorn to the alliance."
"But Sire, the Prince was killed. The Old Masters won't take it lightly. He was after all popular." Ruathia said.
"Speaking of popular Sire, your reputation has taking quite a beating lately." Deib added.
"Silence those lips, Deib, before i shut them permanently myself. You need not remind me." Trevis muttered with a hint of annoyance.
"Lord Trevis, may i speak openly?" asked Ruathia.
"You may, Ruathia." replied Trevis.
"I'm afraid the Old Masters may seek your resignation."
"I've forsaw that Ruathia, i have my plans." Trevis replied without hesitance. "4 years I've served them, 4 years of my blood. They shan't take it all away from me so easily."
"Sire! You don't mean to...." Ruathia exclaimed.
"Silence Ruathia! You very well know what i wish for." Trevis rosed. "The Old Masters now seek my audience."

"Lord Commander Trevis! the counsel has spoken!" announced Quayles.
"We have decided that you shall step down from your position as lord commander of the armies, your hand in the genoia incident has caused grave grievance to the people of the Alliance and shaken its foundation!"
"Your actions may very well drown us in war."
"Your sentence will be decided on a later date. Now, surrender the sword of Cmmanders!"

Trevis strode forward to the small centre stage of the forum where Quayles stood.

"Now hand over the sword, Trevis. You disappointment me greatly." sighed Quayles, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry, Master Quayles. The sword, you shall have...in your heart." hissed Trevis as he drew his sword.

Qayles's eyes widened in shock & disbelief as Trevis shoved the sword into his chest.
Blood trickled down to the hilt of the sword of Commanders onto the marble stage.
Red flowed down the steps of the centre stage and covered the words of the Alliance pact that was engraved on the floor.
Trevis whispered beside the ear of master quayles, "I thank you for all you have done in the past, old man." With a hard tug, Trevis pulled out the sword and Quayles's body fell limped onto the ground

The crowd gasped in horror and screams for the royal guards echoed the forum walls but none budged.
Trevis reached for the robe of Quayles and cleaned his sword. He nodded at Deib.
Instantly, Deib drew his silver axe and severed the Quayles's head. With the head raised above for all the to see, Deib then licked his axe tastefully.

"Old Masters!" Trevis bellowed. "4 years ago, you have chosen me as Lord of Commander of the Armies. I thank you! However, i will not let you take it away that easily."
"This sovereignty that was granted to me, I shall make it permanent!"
"MEN! Slay all of them, not one is to leave this place alive. The Counsel of the Old is no more."

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