
I love chocolate

do you?


cherish, love is a mystery

Kiss Me Good-Bye

Lyrics: Angela Aki
Music: Uematsu Nobuo

You say my love is all you need
To see you through
But I know these words are not quite true

Here is the path you’re looking for
An open door
Leading the worlds you long to explore

Go, if you must move on alone
I’m gonna make it on my own

Kiss me good-bye, love’s memory
Follow your heart and find your destiny
Don’t shed a tear, for love’s mortality
For you put the dream in my reality

As times goes by I know you’ll see this of me
I loved enough to let you go free

Go, I will give you wings to fly
Cast all your fears into the sky

Kiss me good-bye, love is mystery
All of my life, I’ll hold you close to me
Don’t shed a tear, for love’s mortality
For you put the dream in my reality

Kiss me good-bye, love’s memory
You put the dream in my reality

I love this song.


Sovereign, a fantasy.

"These ignorant old men talk too much, Ruathia." muttered Trevis. "The genoia incident is only but minor thorn to the alliance."
"But Sire, the Prince was killed. The Old Masters won't take it lightly. He was after all popular." Ruathia said.
"Speaking of popular Sire, your reputation has taking quite a beating lately." Deib added.
"Silence those lips, Deib, before i shut them permanently myself. You need not remind me." Trevis muttered with a hint of annoyance.
"Lord Trevis, may i speak openly?" asked Ruathia.
"You may, Ruathia." replied Trevis.
"I'm afraid the Old Masters may seek your resignation."
"I've forsaw that Ruathia, i have my plans." Trevis replied without hesitance. "4 years I've served them, 4 years of my blood. They shan't take it all away from me so easily."
"Sire! You don't mean to...." Ruathia exclaimed.
"Silence Ruathia! You very well know what i wish for." Trevis rosed. "The Old Masters now seek my audience."

"Lord Commander Trevis! the counsel has spoken!" announced Quayles.
"We have decided that you shall step down from your position as lord commander of the armies, your hand in the genoia incident has caused grave grievance to the people of the Alliance and shaken its foundation!"
"Your actions may very well drown us in war."
"Your sentence will be decided on a later date. Now, surrender the sword of Cmmanders!"

Trevis strode forward to the small centre stage of the forum where Quayles stood.

"Now hand over the sword, Trevis. You disappointment me greatly." sighed Quayles, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry, Master Quayles. The sword, you shall have...in your heart." hissed Trevis as he drew his sword.

Qayles's eyes widened in shock & disbelief as Trevis shoved the sword into his chest.
Blood trickled down to the hilt of the sword of Commanders onto the marble stage.
Red flowed down the steps of the centre stage and covered the words of the Alliance pact that was engraved on the floor.
Trevis whispered beside the ear of master quayles, "I thank you for all you have done in the past, old man." With a hard tug, Trevis pulled out the sword and Quayles's body fell limped onto the ground

The crowd gasped in horror and screams for the royal guards echoed the forum walls but none budged.
Trevis reached for the robe of Quayles and cleaned his sword. He nodded at Deib.
Instantly, Deib drew his silver axe and severed the Quayles's head. With the head raised above for all the to see, Deib then licked his axe tastefully.

"Old Masters!" Trevis bellowed. "4 years ago, you have chosen me as Lord of Commander of the Armies. I thank you! However, i will not let you take it away that easily."
"This sovereignty that was granted to me, I shall make it permanent!"
"MEN! Slay all of them, not one is to leave this place alive. The Counsel of the Old is no more."


when i dream

I could have a mansion that is higher than the dreams
I could have all the gifts I want and never ask please
I could fly to Paris, It's at my beck and call
Why do I live my life alone with nothing at all
But when I dream, I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true
When I dream, I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true
I can be the singer or the clown in any role
I can call up someone to take me to the moon
I can put my makeup on and drive the man insane
I can go to bed alone and never know his name
But when I dream, I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true
When I dream, I dream of you
Maybe someday you will come true

- Carol Kidd, When I Dream.

one of my favourite songs. simply marvelous.


dream : a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep

what exactly is a dream, where do they come from?
are they constructs of our very own conscious?
perhaps they come from the river of fates, revealing secrets.
do they speak of the future?
or are they just illusions of our own design?

dreams can scary but unlike nightmares, they are more than that.
not only can they provoke fear, they can also give pleasure, hope.
bloody confusing isn't it?
if only Joseph was around, maybe he could give me some answers.



authority isn't self proclaimed.
it is given and supported by the people and likewise, it can be taken away by the people.
Sovereignty is fragile and its price, harsh. Respect & Servitude.
if they can't take away Sovereignty, then it's not Sovereignty, it's clearly, Dictatorship.
whose fault would it be? the Dictator who once was the Sovereign? No.
it's clearly the people's fault. ignorant & careless, they have lost their control.

note to Mrs. Valentine: this IS not my final product, just random chatter.

construct & construct

since 9 march, i've been working for my father even though we work in totally different fields of study, being electronics compared to construction. At first, i felt that it would be boring and well, a waste of time but my father mentioned that i would learn alot on how a business is carried out and how the construction industry works. So far, i've visited 4 sites. Changi Airport Terminal 3, SembCorp Water Desalination Plant, Bishan Library and the new Republic Polytechnic campus at Woodlands. (you can see from the pictures above)

after about 2 weeks of wandering in a unchartered world, i must say, work management in the construction line can be very chaotic. sometimes, you would not know what is actually going on and communication can be quite vulgar. hahaha.

i visited the Republic Poly work site today. i was quite impressed initially. it's architecture was very modern, in a minimalistic manner and very luxurious. walkways are paved with wood instead of concrete and it's landscape gardens give off a very zen feel, similar to Japanese rock garden formations. But after much walking about, i felt it was rather cramped and too plain. In fact, it felt like a hospital with a kick ass air-conditioning system. (the only thing i found awesome, the air-con system)

I've found something interesting. if you observe carefully from the map above, the buildings 1 to 12 actually form a yin-yang symbol. talk about hardcore feng shui.

communication in the construction line can be amusing also, as i discovered. many apologies if i've offended anybody but i guess people just got too used to it. while people in my age group labelled foreigners racistly like chinese being china-nese and bangladeshi, ah neh, in the construction line, it's quite different. chinese are called china man (super man.) and bangladeshi, ali ba ba. (that got me amused deeply, i wonder who actually thought of that.)

still have much to be explored and learnt, perhaps if i find anything interesting, i'll post it up.


It's all about Love

watch March of the Penguins today. great documentary. Cute, tough, warm-blooded animals, they are. Aww...look at that baby.


no inspiration for me today, hope for tomorrow.


beef, beef, beef

Had a fabulous dinner at Grapevine. ribeye steak, then brownie for dessert, all washed down with a fruitTea dubbed Love Cocktail.


drive, empty

the roads are quiet; empty.
i'm alone and it scares me.
things could just disappear without you realising.
would the same happen to the things i hold deep in my heart?
afraid to lose yet even more afraid to face what lies ahead & beneath.
stranded in a void, suffering unintended, self-inflicting pain.


herbs & spices

decided to cook something today, since there wasn't much to do.
been spending the whole day watching DVDs.
of all the meats in this world, i've always loved beef best.
hmm...it's texture and taste..delicious.

this is what i made today:

seasoning consisted of:
coriander leaves
a little basil
salt & pepper

thought of this simple dish, when friends come over to my place to chill. it's really easy to make, just mix the seasoning ingredients all together and coat it on whatever cut of beef you prefer. let it sit for about 5-10mins to allow infusion. go ahead and open that bottle of red wine, call some friends over as you wait. then, grill, sear or bbq to medium-rare, medium or well-done to your liking and tuck in. (i recommend grabbing for the parts with fat, those taste fabulous.)

It's a saturday

Ever since i've gotten my driving licence, these are the cars i've driven so far:

Toyota Vios (while getting my licence)
Toyota IST (Mum's car)
BMW 520i (Dad's car)

Of all, i've enjoyed the 520i. (obviously)
Now i know why people say, once you've driven a continental, you can never go back.
Unless of course, circumstances differ.


drive, crash collision

driving on the expressway has sometimes got me wondered
people in their cars passing by me or i overtaking them,
are our lives related? do we have some sort of a connection?
look at how fleetingly close we are.
imagine a collision of our lives, would it or perhaps change our destinies?

wait, on a side note, i wouldn't like that to happen.
too much pain and anguish involved. perhaps death.
i'll rather collide while walking.

oh God oh God, please do not take this seriously.


i've decide to start on a part by part mini novel series.
look out for it in the next few days. comments would be nice.


a long day.

good news. cbox is up.

as suggested, long day, had a splendid time though.

Darnie invited Davin and I to a SMU Symphonia Concert performed by Camaleonte consisting of winds and brasses. I thoroughly enjoyed the performance especially the 'Rondo' piece by Mozart? Oh, the MCs sucked, they forgot the conductor's name, i shall say no further.

After that, we drove down to Grapevine and had drinks & dinner for Darnie, again. The boss must love us by now. 3 times in a week already? Chatted away as the night goes deeper. One good Ah Sia's Fed. meeting, i must say.


drive, missing

things are fine now, im happy and everything has gone smoothly as it should. Yet still why do i feel that discontentment? "You ask to much" I think not. Something is missing and I'm going find out what is.


one post count~

How was your day? they, people asked.

boring. that's how i felt today. sweet, short and simple.
i don't see a point in revealing much, since you didn't asked.

my first blog and first post.
love writing but lack the motivation
or perhaps, writers' no. 1 disease: what to write?
hopefully i keep this up, time will tell.

a special insert for Mrs Valentine.

by the way, she suggested 'the artful chef'
if you find it retchful, look for her not me hahaha.


she has her series, so i shall have mine too.
you never copyright hor.

the engine rumbles, louder and louder,
as i eased down the pedal further.
speeding down the yellow lit roads to a grapevine.
the stereo sings a lovely song,
friends (passengers) speak words of fun.
happiness resides in my heart.

yet, i feel uneasy.
a tinge of discontent, a tinge of doubt.
my emotions stirr up like white-water rapids.
a concoction of sadness & joy.

drive, a journey to the within.

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